Utah Family Employment Program (FEP)
Last Updated on May 23, 2024 by Kathy
The Utah Family Employment Program (FEP) provides cash aid to eligible families for up to 36 months within a lifetime.
The goal of the program is to increase the income through cash aid and employment assistance of underemployed and unemployed families.
The FEP supports families with single or two parents so long as they provide for children of 18 and below. They also support pregnant women who are in their third trimester as long as they meet the eligibility criteria.
By law, FEP recipients have to take part in employment-related activities for 30 hours per week or, if you are a parent with a child below the age of 6, 20 hours per week.
Frequently Asked Questions about Utah FEP
How do I apply for TANF in Utah?
Submit a TANF eligibility form to your DWS employment center. Prior to your application a face-to-face interview will be appointed to check if you are eligible.
Utah residents may use this pre-screening tool to see if they qualify for cash, food, medical and child care assistance programs.
If you are FEP eligible, you may request for a one-time emergency cash aid instead of a monthly aid. The Emergency cash aid is available once a year.
Does Utah drug test for welfare?
The law of Utah requires all applicants of public assistance to undergo drug testing.
FEP applicants will receive a written questionnaire to test for substance abuse. Individuals with the high probability of substance abuse will undergo drug tests.
However, testing positive from the drug test does not disqualify an applicant. Utah requires those that tested positive to participate in drug treatment.
To be more knowledgeable about the program, contact
Department of Workforce Services