Single Mothers Grants in Rowlett, Texas
Last Updated on May 23, 2024 by Kathy
This page is dedicated to providing Rowlett, TX single mom grants to residents all the information they need for help with their bills.
Single mom grants in Rowlett, TX
Cash Assistance for Single Mothers in Rowlett
Dallas County Health and Human Services assists families with minor children through their short-term financial assistance program, Welfare. Apply for cash assistance by calling the DCHHS at (214-819-1800).
Help With Food for Single Mothers in Rowlett
The North Texas Food Bank provides food assistance to residents of the area. Apply for food assistance and inquire about your local pantry by contacting the Food Bank at (214-330-1396).
Help With Shelter and Housing for Single Mothers in Rowlett
My Friend’s House provides shelter, food and clothing for those who are homeless. They provide case management, education assistance and transportation assistance for eligible applicants. Apply for housing or shelter assistance by calling the office at (972) 424-4626.
Help With Energy and Utilities for Single Mothers in Rowlett
CEAP, Texas’ utility assistance program provides assistance to households with limited income. They provide help with paying their utility bills and providing weatherization programs that help reduce the cost of their energy bills. Contact Energy Assistance Department at (877) 399-8939 to apply for the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program.
Help With Telephone and Internet Bills
Households on a limited income may be eligible for discounted telephone service charges if they sign up for the Texas LifeLine program through the Southwest Arkansas Telephone Cooperative, Inc. You can apply for LifeLine benefits by calling the office at 870-653-8222.
A Household with a low income may be eligible to receive subsidized telephone service charges by signing up for the Texas LifeLine program offered by the Southwest Arkansas Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Call the office at 870-653-8222 to apply for LifeLine benefits.
Help With Childcare
The Department of Health and Human Services offers a Subsidized Children Care Assistance Program to low-income families that have minor children. This program is available to those that meet the income and work requirements. Call the DCHHS Office at (214) 819-1800 to apply for child-care assistance.
Help With Medical and Dental Care
Medicaid benefits may be available to you as a Texas resident without access to private healthcare with low income. MA is a Texas program that provides affordable and quality healthcare services to those in need. If you are interested in applying for benefits, call the Centers for Medicaid or CHIP at 1-800-221-3943.
Help With Legal Matters
The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program offers civil legal assistance for no cost to individuals or families that cannot afford legal representation. Call them at 214-243-2236 to inquire about your eligibility.
Help From Other Groups
North Dallas Shared Ministries assists individuals and families in need with food, financial assistance, clothing, rent, furniture,and transportation assistance. Learn more about the program and determine if you are eligible by calling the office at (214) 358-8700.
We have shown you many assistance programs that are available to Rowlett residents. We hope you have all of the information you need to apply for the assistance you need.